Saturday, February 15, 2014

Who is God?

Something that iv'e been thinking about recently is who God is. the scriptures tell us that He is our Heavenly Father, that's true but a little vague, what does that mean? when i think of Heavenly Father i think of Him as my literal father, God is perfect so what attributes would the perfect father have? first i would think that the perfect father would love His children, the love that a parent has for their child is immeasurable; i cant imagine how much my dad loves me, and if he, being an imperfect mortal, loves me that much it amazes me to think of the love that my perfect Heavenly Father has for me.

second, the perfect father would set boundaries for his children to protect them and help them to learn; my dad has asked me not to do certain things because he knows that they will hurt me, he's also asked me to do certain things because he knows that they will help me to grow and be prosperous. Heavenly Father is the exact same way, He gives us commandments and principals to live by so we can have joy in this life and in the next. third, i feel that the perfect father would be the perfect provider: taking care of the needs of his children, making sure that they're clothed and fed and have security in their lives. Our Heavenly Father has provided us with this entire planet for us to draw the necessities of life from.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Food, shelter, family, and the beauty of the world all around us was all created for us to use, it was provided for us by the perfect father so we can have security and stability in this life. lastly, the perfect father would just want his children to be happy. our Heavenly Father wants to give us joy beyond anything we can imagine, when we allow Him into our lives through prayer, scripture study, and keeping His commandments we let Him make us happy. He wants nothing more than to see us again, and if we do all that asks of us then He will be able to; i have the privilege of being able to teach a lot of people about things that i know will bless their lives, after a while i grow to love the individuals that i interact with, so when i see them make decisions that i know will hurt them.... it pains me. i imagine how a father would feel when he sees his children make horrible decisions, decisions that will ruin their lives, he cant do anything but stand there and watch until they come to him for help. their actions are their decisions and the father cant make the decisions for his children, sometimes he just needs to wait until they change. Our Heavenly Father is perfect, that means He has perfect sorrow when we do things that distance ourselves from Him. He wants to help us in every way that we need, but He also wants us to make our own decisions, He will not force us, but wait for us to come to Him. i feel that some of the experiences iv'e had recently have helped me understand the mind of God, He  is the perfect Father and He knows our every thought, desire, and action. He loves us more than we could ever comprehend, He knows what will make us happy forever, He has given us everything, and His only desire is for us, His children, to have joy. I love my Heavenly Father

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